Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can't beat technology...

....unless it is slow.

Which it isn't tonight ;)

We are watching the Superbowl in the living room and the kids are emailing me from the office and running in, trying to beat the email to me. Cracking me up.  My inbox is flooded so I started having them email Big Daddy at work....will be a nice surprise tomorrow ;) I'll copy and paste a few of my faves...

Here is one from P, as told to C:

mom i love you. are we having cc the next day? look for a note i'm going to send you one. thats all. well... wait, you're putting that? let me see... huh... wait... love [Princess P]. thats all. i'm not sure what you are writing? read it all to me when you're done. you have a spot on your teeth... just when you are brushing your teeth let me help LA LA LA!!!!!

I believe the "LA LA LA LA" was C getting tired of her chattering. LOL!

I just checked my "sent" folder on my email and found this one that Big Daddy will get tomorrow at work:

you rock!!! dad! i love you dad!!! state farm rocks too but you rock!!! more dad no offense dad but god is better than you and state farm but i still love you . love [Terrific T] 

Man, I love these kids.

Crabbies and Rotel dip have been eaten. Now to make some homemade pizza and watch the Packers and the team they are playing ;)

Have a great night, guys!


  1. Oh no! I can't believe y'all have had that many snow days already. Yes, I guess it is a good thing for you to be homeschooling right now.
    Those snow days are going to start cutting into their summer holidays I bet.
    We are expecting more snow as well.

  2. What a great way to entertain themselves! Thanks for sharing those fun moments!


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