
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Let's Talk Oils - June


May was another fun month of trying new oils, and trying old oils for new things.  I love how the oils can work for such various things - super cool.

This month, I made a flea collar for WonderMutt with oils and she is flea free (yay).

I also made a bug spray for us out of peppermint and purification and we have tons of mosquito right now but no bites so far! I love that you don't need a shower every time you put bug repellent on. I have just sprayed it on me when I'm inside before because I like the smell and it's "bug spray" that's actually good for you and you don't have to go outside and not breathe when you spray it on you and your kids!Love it!!

And I finally found something to help my face! I can't remember the name that the dermatologist gave it, but I have this rash on my face that I will "always have and there's nothing you can do about it." I have tried several mixtures of oils and I wasn't having much luck. Enter new love. And it is actually looking so much better. Phew! I use it and the Progessence Plus every single day.

We are still able to control T's allergies with Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, and Copaiba - yay! We had our CC practicum a couple of weeks ago and they did game time outside for an hour and a half the grass. Oh my. I brought the roller ball mixture of these oils with me and he used it before he went out and sometimes after and was fine! I'm so thankful for these oils!

When we went to Austin in May, I brought the diffuser with me since we were all 5 in a hotel room for a week. It was so nice to diffuse  Peace and Calming at bedtime or Thieves when we got back from being out shopping or playing to "de-germ" ourselves. Plus it just made the room smell lovely when it had the potential to NOT smell lovely. ;)

As I said before, we got a new little foster sweetie this month and I have been putting Lavender and Peace and Calming on her feet before bed each night. She just expects it now. I figure it can't hurt to have sweet, peaceful dreams, right?

So many of my friends are trying Young Living and having such great results. It's fun to hear everyone's stories and to try different oils together. If you use YL, what is your fave and why?

If you would like to try some oils and want me to add them into my order on the 8th, let me know by the 7th please. You can check the catalog online  and I always pass on the 24% discount and free shipping to my local friends. If you have questions about oils, let me know and I'll answer or point you in the right direction. If you are ready to take the plunge and want to get your own starter kit, let me know and I'll hook you up. So to recap...let me know. LOL. ;o)


  1. Here is the bug spray I've used the last couple of years. :)

    Do you use melaleuca on the fosters hair/scalp when they first get to you?

    b had a plantar wart, I put the tea tree oil that I have here on it, and nothing else. It did get a black spot in it (meaning it's dead), and now it's starting to grow out. I know it's not YL, but thought I'd share. :) :)

  2. Oh, and something ate up Nolan's arm today. Don't know what since he was inside all day? Used lavender on it and within an hour the welts from the bites had gone away. He asks for oils any time he gets a bump, scrape, and even on the old ones. ;)

    1. Lavender is awesome - like the duct tape of oils. You can use it for everything. Love that it helped him! And yes, we ALL use Melaleuca when we get newbies. Just in case. ;)


I would love to hear your thoughts!!