
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Making a list and checking it twice...

That's right,'s back to school planning time. I have lists coming out my wazoo over here. Lists for everything from CC to each kid's school year plans, bills, groceries, and general "to do" lists. Some are longer than others, and some are easier to accomplish than others.

Ahhh...lists. I do love a good list. I'm all about planning and could spend days researching and planning things to death. I can easily spend more time planning and making lists than I spend actually doing the things on the lists. As I sit here making the newest and coolest lesson plan "list" for T and P so they will wake up every single day excited to check everything off (hey, I can dream, right?), I'm reminded of Proverbs 19:21:

The Lord's purpose. That's what I want to be top on every list I make. Not my will, but Yours be done. I pray that in this season of lists, I will remember to focus on Him and make sure my lists line up with His will and purpose.

This school year, I'm backing off a lot of "fluff." We are going to focus on the things that are important so we aren't so wrapped up in our plans, and checking "temporary" things off our lists, that we miss out on being directly involved in His purpose. How exciting that the King of all creation wants to use me and my family in His plan and to help His purpose prevail.


I would love to hear your thoughts!!