
Friday, June 29, 2012

4th of July fun

This morning, I pulled out some white cardboard and told the kids to paint a 4th of July picture on it.  We cranked up Lee Greenwood on the ipad and got our craft on.

They turned out pretty cute, in my opinion :)

I even got in on the fun...and had I showered, I'd have let the kids take a picture of me holding my masterpiece. Instead, here it is:

Then, I had read about making "fireworks in a jar" so we pulled out some Mason jars and gave it a go. You just put drops of food coloring in oil and pour it in the jar. Easy peasy...

Ready to go. Poured it in and.....

Hmmm, not as impressive as the sample! Maybe we need more food coloring....

Or maybe MORE food coloring...

That just made it nasty. So we started from scratch one.more.time....

If you look really closely, you can sorta/kinda make out some fireworks, right? I don't think this will replace real fireworks, but it was fun to play. And hey, it left the jars nice and pretty.

God Bless the U.S.A.


  1. Love the art work. You'll have to bring those out every year around 4th of July.

  2. You make me smile! :)

    You're such a fun mama, and I just love you.


I would love to hear your thoughts!!