
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stayin' alive, stayin' alive, woo, woo, woo, woo

I'm stayin' alive. But just no time to blog. This is my busy season for work BUT I have done a much better job this year of sticking to my limits. So far. But it still isn't leaving me the time to blog like I want. So...I'll be in and out the next month or so and then in December, work calms back down and life picks back up.
I was just editing a session and found this one in the middle of it. T and P went with me to this session and I looked over one time to see t up in this window sill.

He looked so cute that the two kiddos I was photographing climbed up in there for pictures. After that, I took my two to the pumpkin patch and had some fun. Since I had just come from a session, I had my good camera with me and loved this picture I got.

They are such good friends. I love that!

OK, break's over. I'll be back.....


  1. I also love that they are good friends... awesome pictures...

  2. That last photo is so sweet. Missing you around here! :))


I would love to hear your thoughts!!