
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Got soap?

When I was putting him to bed last night, Terrific T asked me if we could get some more soap for their bathroom. Ummm...sure...I didn't know it was empty. I took the container and told him I would refill it. He came down a little later asking WHEN I was going to refill it. Well, Mr. Impatient, I planned on doing it...sometime. He wanted me to do it right then so he didn't have to come downstairs to pee during the night. I told him it would be okay if he didn't wash his hand until morning. His response? "I would rather pee in my pants than not be able to wash my hands!"

Ok, where is the logic there? I mean really, he's almost 8....and a boy. I'm a tad bit concerned with that response.

I told him to take the one from the downstairs bathroom and I would refill this later. He was ok with that and I am thankful he didn't have to pee in his pants last night.

*shakes head*

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blog slacker...

I am doing a "Thankful" post every day this month on my photo blog. That, and the insane amount of photos I have been editing this month for work, have greatly cut into my free time. Tonight, I am almost caught up again from a 14 family party on Saturday and am going to hit the hay before midnight. WooHoo. Tomorrow and Friday are family days at our casa and I can't wait to get to relax with my family that I have been neglecting lately.

I'll be back....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Or so the saying goes. Last night, I counted my chickens too early...and was disappointed. I worked all day and was pooped last night. I went to be at 9:45 and even bragged to Big Daddy that I was going to fall asleep by 10 and sleep 'til 7...getting 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Oh I was going to be so rested this morning. *cluck, cluck, cluck*

Hello, 1am. I am awoken by a sound. If you are like me, when a sound wakes you up, you freeze.....and wait for it to happen again so you can figure out what it was. Maybe I am alone here and you blissfully go back to sleep. Anyway, this "wake up sound" sounded a little like someone I froze and waited. Didn't hear it again, but did hear a flush. Then about 5 minutes later, another flush. UGH. Then Terrifis T coming in telling me he did, indeed, just puke and then ran in to do it again in our bathroom. Bummer :( He wasn't warm or anything, just throwing up. All the boys ate the same thing last night and they were not sure what the problem was. He does this about every 6 months (used to be every 3-4 months)...throws up overnight and then is fine after that. And no one else ever gets it when it is like this. So odd!

So, he and I are staying home today and I let P sleep in too because last night, when I told her it was church tomorrow, she started whining that she didn't want to go. This morning, she just woke up while I was writing this and asked where Daddy and C were. I told her church and she started bawling that she didn't get to go with them. I can't win here! So thanks to hulu, Terrific T is watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" in my bed and P is whining that she missed church but getting sucked into the movie too. I'm going to listen to last week's service today, since we were in the nursery all day last Sunday and missed it. It is a great series right now and I don't want to miss out...I'll have to get the CD again for today.

But on a good note (this is for you, Miss Anon, who LOVES to hear about my bargains!!).....I found a cute dress for P for her Christmas program and choir performance on ebay this weekend. I found another dress by the same seller that I liked too, just for a normal dress but forgot to bid on them before they closed - I really need a secretary for these important things! The lady relisted and I emailed her and asked if she would end them early for me so I didn't have to wait another week. She did and I won them both. I went to pay and had received a Big Fat Payment from ebates into my paypal account this week so the two dressed ended up only costing me $3.03 total. Have I mentioned how happy a bargain makes me?  :o) I hope they fit!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Open Letter Friday - Dear Cleaning Fairy

Dear Cleaning Fairy,
     I sure hope you don't expect to get paid for the work you are not doing lately. As a business owner myself, I know that this is not the way to get and keep business so you better get your act together and start doing things right. Until they invent a self cleaning house (yes, I've read the didn't work for me), I'm going to expect you to show up every morning at 8 9 and get started. And if you happen to see the dish fairy and laundry fairy, please throw them in your bag and bring them with you. The more the merrier!
See you soon,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If ignorance is bliss....

...then I met the happiest person ever last week.  Unfortunately, she presented herself as a grumpy old lady so it was hard to see. It made me wonder what others really think of people who educate their children at home. She clearly had a incorrect picture of our life so I thought I would clear up a few things. I know she will not read this, but I will feel better if I can clear up just a few misconceptions for others.

1 - It would appear that some people (**cough** see the above mentioned grumpy old woman), think that homeschoolers "do school in our jammies" so save SOO much money on school clothes that it is ok to rip us of on other things. While it might be true that we stay in our jammies some days (admit it, you do too!), we do venture out of our house occasionally and people freak out when the family shows up in matching footed jammies. Therefore we do, in fact, still have to buy (or knit) our kids new denim jumpers each year, which costs money.

2 - Contrary to popular beliefs, our kids do have a social life. They are active in sports, church, and the community. We don't hog tie them in a cave and we do even encourage our kids have friends. If you think otherwise, it might be that we don't want them to be friends with your kids......hmmm.......moving on.

3 - We are not all homeschooling for religious reasons. While I LOVE that I get to teach a Biblical world view of things and teach the kids how God really is in everything, that was not our main reason for choosing to educate our children at home. We, personally, pulled ours out to give them a BETTER education overall.  We choose to not waste time teaching something they already know, and to instead spend more time digging into new things. We have no idea what God has planned for their futures so we are doing our best to prepare them for whatever path they end up taking. Religion aside, if we were not giving our kids the best possible education and didn't believe that we are preparing them to be contributing members of society, we would quit tomorrow. Imagine all I could get done without three kiddos around all day long.

4 - We don't think that homeschooling is the right choice for everyone or look down on others for not doing it. Honest. If you are annoyed that we homeschool, maybe you have some guilt you need to deal with and quit trying to put it on me. I am so thankful that we have choices to do what we believe is best for our children.  When I was younger, I went to public school for 5 years, was homeschooled for 5 years and attended Christian schools for 2 years before attending and graduating from a private university and proceeding to teach in the public school system for 3 years. Phew. I think there is a time and place for everything and again, I am glad we have choices. I'll respect yours if you respect mine. Heck, I'll respect yours even if you don't respect mine...I'm just nice like that ;o)

Do you have any burning questions about people who educate their children at home that you would like to ask? Bring it on. I'll gladly give you my .02 on it ;o) Hate to have too many people running around being blissful ;o)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Please vote for my mom :)

My  mom entered a model contest to win $500 for the pregnancy resource center where she volunteers. They are hurting for money right now and she really wants to help them out. It would be so cool if she could win. You can vote 10 times a day...every day. If you can, would you mind clicking "vote" for my mom? Her ID # is 262 and she is the top entry right now...but the contest has a long way to go so we need to keep her in the lead. Thanks!!! Click here to enter and then enter ID 262 :o)

Good luck, Mom!!

Kinda random...

A couple of weeks ago, we were driving to church and my finger started hurting really badly and then I had a huge purple bruise on it...the under side of my pointer finger, right at the jointor been. I figured I must have hit it somewhere or been stung and not known it?? Last week, same thing on my under side of my middle finger and I still blew it off figuring I must have hit it and not known. Yesterday, I was teaching a class for our homeschool group and the same thing happened on my thumb WHILE I was standing up there teaching. I know I didn't hit it. Big Daddy said that it sounded like a blood vessel burst. I looked it up and that sounds exactly like what it is doing. It hurts almost like a bee sting or something - a sharp small pain that aches for a bit and then an ugly bruise pops up. Googling "blood vessel burst fingers" brought up several pages of people that have this happen and doctors don't know why. It is really odd. I emailed my mom and sisters and my mom said that it happens to her too but she also assumed she was hitting it and just not remembering. Weird, huh?

Has this happened to you? Have you talked to a dr about it? I will discuss it at my next check up but unless it gets worse, I'll not make a separate appt for it, probably. I need to research it some more too but thought I'd throw it into the blog world to see if anyone else deals with this that I know.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Book Review: Dining with Joy By Rachel Hauck

Joy Ballard is a small town girl that agrees to help her dying father out by taking over his cooking show for him after he passed away. She is an awesome host that everyone loves, but she is hiding a big secret...She can't even boil water. Dining with Joy follows Joy through some big changes in her personal and professional life as she figures out who SHE wants to be, not who her father, producer, mother, or boyfriend want her to be.

Dining with Joy is a fun, easy read that kept me up until midnight last night to finish. Even though Joy brings on her problems herself by the lies she has told, you still want to pull for her and hate to see her hurting. I thought this book was well written and enjoyable to read. I think it would make a cute movie and would love to see a sequel written to keep up with her and her family.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Open Letter Friday - Dear Redbox

Dear Redbox,
Just wanted to say that I love you. For just $1.09, the kids are happy and quiet for the next hour and a half. Therefore, the hubby and I are happy. Sometimes it is a good thing to be a cheap and easy date ;) Happy Friday!