
Sunday, October 10, 2010

jr high

I'll be honest, Jr. High isn't exactly my favorite age. I haven't even loved Captain C being 10 and he isn't in there yet. It is such an in between age really. Not quite a kid but not quite a teen. [Ironically, Big Daddy and I met in a youth group. We were both out of college and my sister and her hubby were teaching in the youth group with Big Daddy and his roommate. My sis invited me to come...and sorta set us up. We met at a youth workers dinner, started dating 3 weeks later, got engaged about 2 months later and married 5 months later. That was over 13 years ago.] So when Big Daddy approached me about helping teach jr high on Sunday evenings, I wasn't too keen on the idea. But then it started to grow on me...a little. I know he loves youth and I wanted to be supportive of him, and to not be serving separately so much (he works with youth on Wed nights and I work with the children). So tonight, I ventured back into the youth department and guess what? I liked it. It is definitely different than the 2 year old class we teach on Sunday mornings but I think I am going to enjoy it. I am not teaching, just hanging out with the girls while another lady teaches (she did great!)....and even played the first game of kickball I have played in a long time. It was fun. I am looking forward to getting to know these great girls and watching God transform them into the young ladies He wants them to be.


  1. Sounds like a fun way to spend time on a Sunday evening! Enjoy...((I so was the kid who would pick clover and flowers out in the field when it comes to kickball!!))

  2. enjoy the spinach!! ((I don't much care for lettece either so spinach goes a long way!))

  3. I don't know about feelings for that age group, but I think my jr. high years were my fondest memories.
    As far as the teaching goes. All hands in on that. There are too few people in this world that really care about teens and inbeteens to pass up an opportunity like that.
    There are too many people who are just interested in number one and their own to pass on an opportunity when someone feels good about spending their time helping other children.
    And the blessings that will come from doing this are always nice too.
    Best Wishes


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